Stop Scammers Now!
Having integrity is of paramount importance to us, here at MeloTel. Providing top-notch products and services is only a part of what makes us a proud company. Without delivering upon our mission statement to uphold an ethical and honest approach to all of our business dealings, we would not feel it worthwhile to even consider ourselves a legitimate business. This is why I’d like to share a recent experience I had with you.
Last night, I received a phone call on my personal phone line from a company calling itself “Global Asset Service”. The call was with regards to finding a cheaper rate for my credit cards. I wasn’t speaking to an actual person, mind you. Instead, it was an automated message asking me to press 1 if I was interested in the solicitation. Immediately, alarm bells started ringing.
Firstly, I have placed myself on the National Do Not Call list, so I know that no reputable company would be calling my personal phone number. Secondly, since I own a phone company myself, I’m well aware that there are major fines and penalties that are doled out to those who solicit over the phone to those on that list.
My curiosity got the better of me though. I figured I’d play along just to see what this “company” was all about. I pressed 1. Now a live voice came on the line. A female, who spoke English perfectly, began to explain that I had to prove that my credit card was in good standing. She began asking me intrusive questions about my supposed credit card debt and the telephone number on the back of my bank card.
This is where I decided to butt in with a question of my own. “Where is your company located?” I wanted to know. Her response: “We are a global company located all over the world.” I found that interesting – especially considering that she refused to provide me with any website, email, address or phone number for the company. She wouldn’t even give me her name! She could have at least made one up!
I finally got a phone number out of her: 1-888-890-8281. It turns out it’s just a fax number. The number shown on my call display, however, was 1-647-724-0255. I suppose she figured that people don’t know that such fake numbers can still be traced. If you have had such a problem with these fraudulent companies who intend to do you no other service than to scam you out of your hard earned money, take my advice.
Report them! I sure did. The first thing I did was file a complaint with the CRTC. Firstly, because the caller violated the Do Not Call list, and secondly because Automatic Dialing-Announcing Devices (ADAD) may not be used for telemarketing services. Luckily, my telecommunications prowess came in handy here. I have the time-stamp, call tracking and the call recorded. I’ve also tracked the company’s telecom carrier to report the violation of their terms of service.
Let’s just say that “Global Asset Service” tried to scam the wrong person! And I’m not going to let them scam you either. For more information on the National Do Not Call List and to better educate yourself on CRTC rules, click this link. I don’t have any problem with telephone sales. I do, however, have a big problem with scam artists. Let’s put a stop to them now!