Just For Fun

Stick To Your Resolutions

The next time you read another amazing entry of The MeloTel Blog, it will be the year 2012! On behalf of the entire MeloTel staff, we’d like to you wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year. We know that many of you may have already made your new year’s resolutions. So here’s hoping you stick to them!

Of course, making a new year’s resolution is easy. Sticking to it is a whole other story. So we thought we would share a few of our ideas on how you may make 2012 your most successful year yet. The following are a few tips that were inspired by a list on eHow.com that should assist you, whether your goals are business-related or not.

Be specific. Don’t just say that you want to “increase business”. But set a goal that pinpoints exactly how much more business you would like to drum up. Would you like to increase your customer base by 20 per cent? Would you like to see sales spike by at least 15 per cent? Figure out a specific goal that you can work to make happen.

Limit your resolutions. Some people try to overdo it by attempting to completely revamp themselves. When business owners try to achieve a complete overhaul of their business models, for example, they often find that it’s too large an undertaking to make come true. Instead, focus on your most important needs for change and master those before moving on to others.

Visibly remind and encourage yourself. Write your resolution on a white board or better yet, print out a banner and hang it in your office. If you wish to keep your resolution a bit more personal, then have it appear on your smart phone screen as a wallpaper. Never forget your goals and hopefully you won’t forget to work towards them.

Get support. There’s nothing wrong with asking for a helping hand. Ask your family, friends and co-workers to join you in supporting your quest for success. If you have similar goals with those close to you, you will be able to help each other in achieving them. Having a support system will go a long way.

Take immediate action. Procrastination is a new year’s resolution killer! Get on top of your goals right away. You may even want to start today! Whether it means signing up for a gym membership or setting up a meeting first thing in the new year, the time to start working on your resolution is now! Don’t wait.

Start a new good habit. For those of you looking to quit a bad habit – smoking or eating junk food, for example – replace it with something more healthful and positive. Look into healthy foods you may never have tried before. You may discover a new favourite dish in 2012. Whatever the resolution is, we wish you the best of luck accomplishing it!

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