MeloTel Is An Apple Member Developer!
The world was all abuzz last Friday as gadget junkies, tech fans and all-around geeks lined up outside of Apple stores in anticipation of the launch of the new iPhone 5. Apple is quite the company – the most successful of all time, in fact. Quite frankly, it only makes sense to get in on their action, don’t you think?
Now, you know that, at MeloTel, we pride ourselves on being innovative. We love changing things up and moving forward with new and inventive ways to please our customers. And we figured that with the rapidly rising popularity of iPhones, it only made sense for us to connect with fans of the device worldwide.
We’re happy to announce that MeloTel just become an official Apple Member Developer. This means that we will soon be launching some cool new apps for your iPhone! With MeloTel’s ever-exciting creativity and its new Apple Developer status, you can expect something entirely unique and never-seen-before!
With our very own MeloTel apps, we will able to literally reach millions of iPad, iPhone and iPod users. Of course, that is one of our main objectives – to expand the reach of MeloTel and provide more unique services to more people. We enjoy the creative process and, as such, we hope to develop some of the coolest apps available from Apple.
“I love using the apps on my iPhone,” one of our clients mentioned earlier this week, “They provide such easy and quick access to information and tools that are necessary to get through the business day. I’m sure that whatever you’re cooking up over at MeloTel will be quite handy and fun to use. I’m looking forward to your new app. I’m ready to download now!”
Creating apps is actually not all that difficult. Especially with Apple’s user-friendly technology, app development is becoming a more worthwhile activity for business owners everywhere. As the company points out on its website, “Apple provides a complete ecosystem for developers.”
That means that they design the hardware, operating system and development tools so that they may work together seamlessly. As a result, all we need to do is focus on making the coolest apps in the world! We wonder if people will line up outside of MeloTel’s head office in downtown Toronto when we’re ready to launch our new iPhone app. Hmmm…
Actually, we’ll make it a whole lot easier for you. When our new app is ready to go, you’ll be the first to know. Of course, we’ll blog about it. But don’t forget, you can always follow us on Twitter @melotel, and like us on Facebook as well. Then again, we’re only a phone call away. Give us a ring at 1-888-MELOTEL.