Do People Really Prefer To Do Business Within Their Area Codes?

Familiarity is something that makes people feel comfortable. Who doesn’t like to be within well-known surroundings? As the old saying goes, “there’s no place like home”. Where you are from and where you reside are often representative of comfortable environments. We also tend to warm up to those who are relatable.
Picture being at a sporting event (if only we could do that right now!). How often have you high-fived a complete stranger for no other reason than that you were cheering for the same team? Your home team matters to you. And that’s why people tend to buy local when they can.
Do you buy Canadian?
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the MeloTel team has strongly advocated for Canadians to buy Canadian. And why not? Our nation’s businesses need our support. And there’s certainly no better way to support Canadian businesses than to choose their international competitors whenever possible.
In yesterday’s blog, we touched upon the concept of familiarity and hometown allegiances by introducing our new Dynamic Caller ID Insertion feature. To revisit it, for a moment, this awesome new feature is an incredible part of our DaFeeder Telemarketing service. It enables you to add DID (Direct Inward Dialing) phone numbers into your inventory so they can be used as possible caller IDs when making outbound calls.
What that means is no matter where you call in Canada, your phone number can show up with the area code of the location you’re calling. In other words, your business will appear local. You will be given the opportunity to garner the support of fellow Canadians who just may warm up to you better because you seem to be calling from their areas.
Familiarity really matters to people.
Craig Borowski of Software Advice explains that his company conducted a survey to find out how likely participants were to answer calls if they did not recognize the numbers on their caller IDs. The results, he says, were clear.
“People are nearly four times more likely to answer calls from local numbers,” reveals Borowski, “Only 7 percent said they’re likely to answer a call from an unknown caller with a toll-free area code—but that number leaps to 27.5 percent when the unknown caller is using a local area code.”
How can Dynamic Caller ID Insertion help you?
Do you live in Calgary? Chances are your phone number has a 403 area code. Do you conduct business in Edmonton? Out there, phone numbers have 780 area codes. How would you like to be able to call your clients in Edmonton and have your number show up with a 780 area code? You may be surprised to find out just how much of a difference it makes in your interactions.
Simply put, if your business phone number is 403-555-1234, it will show up as 780-555-1234 whenever you call Edmonton. Just attach the area code of wherever you are calling in Canada and the same thing will apply! How awesome is that?
For more information about DaFeeder Telemarketing and the new Dynamic Caller ID Insertion feature, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL.