Creative Communication Creates Cash
Getting yourself noticed takes effort – not necessarily money. Many business owners across Canada get themselves overly concerned with spending big budgets when really it is creativity that gets a good buzz going for their businesses. Take our last blog, for example. We discussed the importance of Facebook and its impact on the ways in which people across the world communicate with each other.
Do you know what it costs to have a Facebook profile? Absolutely nothing. So again, it comes down to the effort one wants to put behind pushing his or her business. In our last blog, we even pointed out how effortless it can be to promote one’s company on the social media giant. Simply posting thoughts on current news stories is all that is needed to drum up good conversations.
The point to all of this is that communication is at the top of the promotional food chain. In other words, you can spend as much money as you want, but if you’re not communicating your message clearly, your business’ bottom line won’t move an inch. How do you want people to feel about your business? How do you want your business to make people feel?
These are important questions to answer before putting any effort into the ways in which you communicate with your target market – let alone fork out any cash. Clear communication is one of the reasons that regular blogging is so important. Blogging helps for your audience to get better acquainted with the “voice” of your company. It’s a way of keeping them informed in an easy-to-understand manner.
Sometimes, companies communicate what they do through jargon that the average person doesn’t understand. Blogs are meant to be written in the “everyday voice”. This helps for just about anyone to gain an interest in what it is you do. Mind you, your business blogs don’t always have to be about your business. Just like your Facebook posts, your blogs can comment upon social issues that get people talking.
The key, however, is to establish what keywords you want found on your website. Including those keywords in your blogs is what will help for your website to gain greater hits in search engines. The more people visiting your site, of course, the more potential you have to grow your customer base. Your website, by the way, should be able to communicate your company’s message very clearly as well.
Once you have visitors to your site, you don’t want them leaving too quickly. It’s important to have an interactive, easy-to-navigate, eye-catching website that will keep the interest of your online visitors. And just in case you weren’t aware, your friends at MeloTel can help you with both your custom-built website and your regularly-updated blog section.
Our Web Design Services and Bloggers For Hire departments employ the best in the business. Both the graphic designers and blog writers that make up the respective teams are highly-skilled and come with years of experience. Give MeloTel a call at 1-888-MELOTEL to discover ways in which our team can help your company better communicate with the world!