MeloTel Features
The MeloTel Voice Is Top Choice
Earlier this week, MeloTel excitedly announced the release of company president, John Meloche's Uncle John's Holiday Hits Christmas album. The seven song compilation was literally recorded, mixed and mastered in one all-day studio session – a testament to John's talent and determination to compete projects to perfection.
It is this very...
Staying Staunch In Servicing Support
In our last couple of blogs, we have been discussing the concept of support and how important it is to communicate to your customer base that they can always depend on yours. MeloTel President, John Meloche knows this all too well as he participated in his first-ever Movember campaign last...
Steps To Supplying Super Support
This week, the MeloTel Blog is tackling the theme of support. With today being the last day of November, it is the final day that you can show your support for MeloTel President, John Meloche and his bid to raise money through his Movember campaign. You can donate simply by...
Support Secures Success
There's only three days left to support MeloTel President, John Meloche in his quest to raise money for Movember. Please visit John's Movember profile to donate today! It's super easy and it practically takes no time to do. Just a few short steps and you're on your way to supporting...
Rebranding Is Not A Bad Thing
In our last blog, we discussed the importance of updating your company logo. This undertaking doesn't have to be something you do often. In fact, it's best you give your logo time to catch on. However, never updating the look and feel of your company's chief identifying symbol will convey...
The Beauty Of A Brand New Logo
Last week, Toronto sports fans were abuzz with the news that the city's Major League Baseball team had unveiled a brand new logo and uniforms. The Toronto Blue Jays have gone back in time to rebrand the team with an updated and more stylized version of their original selves.
Back is...
Complaints Rocking Telecom Industry
Here, at MeloTel, we do all that we can to ensure that our customers are happy. After all, we know what it's like to be customers ourselves. And we've probably shared your experiences with having to call up a company only to have to sift through countless voice prompts trying...
Turn Up The Traffic To Your Site
In our last blog, we revisited the topic of company websites and the necessities that they are for all business owners. Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs neglect the importance of not only having an up-and-running company website, but keeping that site regularly updated. Staying fresh means staying relevant. And this is the...
Whip Your Website Into Shape
Have you seen that new Yellow Pages commercial? It's really interesting. Guy is in a store but refuses help from the cashier because he “isn't really there”. He reveals to the employee that the business she works for is not online so there is no way for him to really...
Covering Key Aspects Of Customer Service
This week, we felt that it was important to remind our awesome blog readers and super clients about MeloTel's commitment to providing top-notch VoIP services and telecommunications products. But, one of the ways that we strive to be a leading company in Canada is to provide the type of customer service that...