Industry News
BBM To Be Re-Branded?
At MeloTel, we often discuss “branding” as very important element of business success. We have long believed that a company's brand is represented by what people think about the business. To be reliable, trustworthy and of a high standard of quality are important traits that MeloTel works to affirm about...
Spreading The Spirit Of The Holidays
In our last blog, we discussed the concept of spreading Christmas cheer at your company. Of course, with Christmas almost here, this week represents the opportune time to let both your staff members and clients know that they are appreciated. Wishing them the best for the season may be done...
Championing Holiday Cheer
It's no secret that we love to spread the Christmas cheer around, here at MeloTel. Leading the charge, as always, is company president, John Meloche. He doesn't make it very easy to compete with his brand of holiday spirit though. How exactly do you compete with a Christmas album? Uncle...
Top Tips For Safe Online Shopping
In our last blog, we revisited the topic of online shopping and discussed just how popular the phenomenon is becoming. Don't take MeloTel President, John Meloche's word for it. His article “Avoid The Mall Crawl With Online Shopping Solutions” is one of many that highlight the benefits of taking to...
Online Shopping Is Popping!
As we proudly blogged on Monday, online shopping is becoming more popular than ever. MeloTel President, John Meloche's article in last week's edition of The National Post was, in fact, just one of many that champion the concept of doing your shopping while still in your pajamas. Although we know...
Staying Staunch In Servicing Support
In our last couple of blogs, we have been discussing the concept of support and how important it is to communicate to your customer base that they can always depend on yours. MeloTel President, John Meloche knows this all too well as he participated in his first-ever Movember campaign last...
Steps To Supplying Super Support
This week, the MeloTel Blog is tackling the theme of support. With today being the last day of November, it is the final day that you can show your support for MeloTel President, John Meloche and his bid to raise money through his Movember campaign. You can donate simply by...
Rebranding Is Not A Bad Thing
In our last blog, we discussed the importance of updating your company logo. This undertaking doesn't have to be something you do often. In fact, it's best you give your logo time to catch on. However, never updating the look and feel of your company's chief identifying symbol will convey...
The Beauty Of A Brand New Logo
Last week, Toronto sports fans were abuzz with the news that the city's Major League Baseball team had unveiled a brand new logo and uniforms. The Toronto Blue Jays have gone back in time to rebrand the team with an updated and more stylized version of their original selves.
Back is...
The Benefits Of Being Trustworthy
In our last blog, we discussed the merits of being a trustworthy business. As puts it, it's kind of a rhetorical question to even ask if trust is important in a business. In fact, could there be anything more important? A story about one of our friends having a...