Last Minute Shopping Tips

Christmas comes Sunday! And we know that many of you are ultra-excited about the big day. We sure are, here at MeloTel. Commonly known as the season of giving, the end-of-year holidays bring about a certain sense of generosity that seems to make them so worth celebrating. But we know...

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Spreading The Spirit Of The Holidays

In our last blog, we discussed the concept of spreading Christmas cheer at your company. Of course, with Christmas almost here, this week represents the opportune time to let both your staff members and clients know that they are appreciated. Wishing them the best for the season may be done...

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Championing Holiday Cheer

It's no secret that we love to spread the Christmas cheer around, here at MeloTel. Leading the charge, as always, is company president, John Meloche. He doesn't make it very easy to compete with his brand of holiday spirit though. How exactly do you compete with a Christmas album? Uncle...

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Top Tips For Safe Online Shopping

In our last blog, we revisited the topic of online shopping and discussed just how popular the phenomenon is becoming. Don't take MeloTel President, John Meloche's word for it. His article “Avoid The Mall Crawl With Online Shopping Solutions” is one of many that highlight the benefits of taking to...

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Online Shopping Is Popping!

As we proudly blogged on Monday, online shopping is becoming more popular than ever. MeloTel President, John Meloche's article in last week's edition of The National Post was, in fact, just one of many that champion the concept of doing your shopping while still in your pajamas. Although we know...

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The President Gets Published

If you simply can't stand the kind of person who continually raises the bar and accomplishes new milestone achievements, then MeloTel President, John Meloche is not your type of guy. After reporting last week, that John has gone and cut himself a new Christmas album entitled Uncle John's Holiday Hits,...

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The MeloTel Voice Is Top Choice

Earlier this week, MeloTel excitedly announced the release of company president, John Meloche's Uncle John's Holiday Hits Christmas album. The seven song compilation was literally recorded, mixed and mastered in one all-day studio session – a testament to John's talent and determination to compete projects to perfection. It is this very...

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Introducing Uncle John’s Holiday Hits

VoIP expert. Website designer. Voiceover talent. Rapper. Actor. As if there weren't already enough accolades being accumulated by MeloTel President, John Meloche, he's gone and added another credit to his ever-growing list of accomplishments. Try “singer” on for size. And not just any singer either! This past weekend, John recorded an...

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