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Keeping Your Lines Of Communication Open
Whoops! Guess we had a bit of a false alarm there! Last Friday, we blogged about the near-arrival of President John Meloche and his wife Kathryn’s baby Mark. The thing is, Mark isn’t due until this Friday! Perhaps we should chalk it up to the soon-to-be father’s excitement. John was...
Welcoming MeloTel’s Bundle Of Joy!
It’s an exciting time for us, here at MeloTel! Yes, there are many changes taking place with our business. And, as you may know, we continue to offer an array of amazing features meant to make the lives of small business owners across Canada easier. But what really has us...
SMS Is The New Twitter For Business Owners!
Twitter is popular. How’s that for the understatement of the year? Each and every day, millions and millions of people worldwide send out messages that are less than 140 characters long. These messages are sent with the click of a button and can be read by millions and millions of...
MeloTel Takes Pride In Making You Look Good
At MeloTel, we pay very close attention to how brands are represented. Naturally, we take great pride in the way that we present our company to the public - so we constantly make strides to improve upon how we look. As you may already be aware, we proudly launched our...
MeloTel Is Your One-Stop All-You-Need Shop
When MeloTel started, we promoted the business as a telephone company. Boy, have we come a long way! Perhaps, we didn’t realize this in the early days, but business owners naturally need more than just phones to operate their businesses. That isn’t taking anything away from the phone, mind you....
Help Is Just A Phone Call Away
A good friend is dependable. You can call a good friend when you are in need and that friend will be there to help you. Even if it’s nothing more than a listening ear, a friend should be able to provide you with the comfort and assistance you need to...
Success Is All About Dreaming Big
In order to achieve great success in life, it’s important that you dream big. When you shoot for the stars, you may just end up bumping into an undiscovered planet. Analogies and metaphor aside, the truth is no one has ever accomplished anything by not trying. It’s amazing that your...
Find Out About MeloTel’s Fantastic Phone Features
Okay, so you know that MeloTel can save you money. And you know that just one of the ways our company is able to do that is by offering you a free phone if you make the switch to MeloTel as your telecom provider. That’s not just some marketing scheme....
Counting The Ways MeloTel Saves You Money
September is here! And while there are many new changes taking place, here at MeloTel, we imagine that there are a ton of new things taking place with your business as well. September is an interesting time of year. The kids are back in school and parents have more time...
Keep Calm And Call MeloTel
What makes a good friend? This is actually a question that has sparked many a conversation in the MeloTel offices. The words that often pop up in the answers include “trustworthy”, “honest”, “dependable” and “reliable”. Being able to trust a person, it seems, is very high on the list of...