Client Spotlight: National Projects

Are you a Canadian business owner? Do you operate in the retail or commercial sector? Chances are that since your company's inception, you've required some kind of assistance with service, maintenance and project management. Going forward, you should look no further than National Projects. Founded in 2009, this company is...

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Count On MeloTel To Answer The Call

Trust is a huge part of any relationship. You've likely heard this many times as it is true for both personal and business connections. One of the most important ways that a person can establish trust is to simply follow through on whatever promises he or she has made. This...

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Client Spotlight: Imprezzio Marketing

Welcome to the MeloTel Blog's first-ever “Client Spotlight”! A few weeks ago, we excitedly blogged about the fact that we would be starting this new initiative to highlight the great work being done by some of our favourite clients. And we couldn't be happier to shine some light the way...

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Baby Meloche Is On The Way!

Please join us in offering our excited congratulations to MeloTel President John Meloche and his wife, Kathryn! This past weekend, the couple announced that they are expecting their first-born child! For anyone who knows John, this news comes as very exciting...even eyebrow-raising. With the big guy being such a big...

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