Industry News, MeloTel Features, Social Media

Why Your Small Business Needs To Stay Hot On Social Media This Summer

The summer season will officially get underway on Thursday, June 20th. It’s an exciting time for Canadians as the warm and sunny time of the year is a great reprieve from our often-long winters. The summertime is also an exciting time for business owners. Warmer weather often brings more people out of their homes and into their stores.

However, it’s important to note that, no matter the weather, consumers will always be online. That’s why it’s so important to stay on hot on social media!

Summer is revered as vacation time.

Just like they do every summer, Canadians will have travel plans in the months to come. That means your customers might be away from their usual routines. You better believe they will remain connected to their social media feeds. No matter where they are, the members of your target audience will turn to platforms like Instagram and Facebook to document their adventures. As well, they will be seeking out recommendations for local businesses at their destinations.

By staying active on social media, you will continue to engage with your audience. Don’t hesitate to share updates about your business. Upload photos and videos and encourage your friends and followers to interact with your posts. Work to capture the attention of potential customers who are exploring new places. It will help to significantly improve your summer sales numbers.

Summer is synonymous with sales.

The wonderful warm and sunny summertime allows for a ton of outdoor festivals and other events. Why not throw one or two yourself? Run promotions and host special events to entice consumers to visit your place of business. Use your social media platforms to promote these fun happenings so that you can reach a wider audience. It’s all about driving foot traffic to both your brick and mortar store and online shop.

Take the opportunity to launch a new product line, host a pop-up shop or offer exclusive summer discounts. By utilizing your social media channels, you will amplify your message and generate excitement among the members of your customer base.

Summer is showcase season.

The bright and beautiful summertime opens up a whole new world of possibilities. It enables you to showcase your products and services in creative ways. If you own a local restaurant, you can advertise refreshing summer cocktails. A fashion boutique can highlight its breezy sundresses. Your fitness studio can offer outdoor workout classes. No matter your business, social media provides the perfect platform to visually showcase your offerings.

Share eye-catching photos, videos and stories that capture the essence of summer. They will pique the interest of your audience and drive engagement with your brand.

Could you use some help will all of that social media activity?

With Melo Technology’s Melo Social, you can manage all of your social media feeds in one easy-to-use location! If you don’t like creating social media posts yourself, MeloSocial’s content writing team can create all of your posts for you! To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page.