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Why You Should Get A Blog Going On Your Website

If your company website does not contain a blog section, your company is missing out on many opportunities to grow. There are several different reasons to start a blog. Firstly, it will enrich your website with new content on a regular basis. This works wonders for SEO. Search engines favour websites that consistently update with new content. A blog will help your site rank higher in search engines. It also gives people more reasons to keep coming back to your site.

Secondly, having a blog on your website keeps your target audience informed. Members can seek your site as a go-to source of relevant information. Essentially, your blog can function as a customer service agent. It answers questions and offers useful insight. Let’s take a look at a few more reasons why you should get a blog going on your website.

It will help to separate your brand from its competitors.

Who doesn’t want to outshine the competition? Content marketing goes a long way in helping different companies to stand out. Blogs are direct forms of communication with consumers. They help to grow rapport. If you’re not blogging, you are essentially cutting off a mode of contact. Having consumers engage with your brand, via your blog, is great way to distinguish it from all others.

It will help to grow your customer relationships.

Blogging enables you to make connections with people you wouldn’t otherwise know. Consider each blog post as a letter or an e-mail. It’s a way for you to communicate both your personal and professional thoughts. Like letters and e-mails, blogs are often written in a very light, conversational way. They are meant to connect with readers and never be over anyone’s head. By posting blogs regularly, you’ll gain greater attention and make better connections.

It will showcase your expertise in your field.

You know what you’re talking about. You prove it every time someone asks you a question related to your industry. But what about those who haven’t contacted you to ask you any questions? Your blogs prove you are an expert in your field. Showcase what you know by offering sound advice. In addition, highlight your personality by sharing anecdotes, stories and jokes. Your blog is what you make it – and you should make it prove you are as reputable as it gets!

It will work as a great marketing strategy.

Your blogs shouldn’t all serve as blatant commercials. However, with each blog, it’s wise to have a call to action at the end. This informs readers that your products and services can meet their needs. Naturally, your offerings should be relevant to the content found in the blog posts. Content marketing is effective because it isn’t intrusive and direct. Again, the conversational, light hearted approach is where it’s at. This formula is what makes blogs so effective at getting customers to consider supporting certain brands.

Don’t have time to do any blogging yourself? Let MeloTel blog for you! Contact us to find out how our Bloggers & Creative Writers For Hire can compose the best blogs in the business for your company website. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email