Customer Service, MeloTel Features

Why Some Customer Service Issues Are Best Handled Over the Phone

Last month, we posted a blog that highlighted the fact that some customer service tasks are best handled over the phone. They included the resolution of complex issues, the handling of sensitive information and the providing of personalized service.

Needless to say, customer service that is provided over the phone boasts immediacy. There is no delay in handling any and all issues. This is why so many customer service issues are best handled over the phone. Let’s continue to explore this theme!

Navigating billing inquiries.

For just about every business, there are bound to be times when customers get frustrated with their bills. In such cases, clients generally want their inquiries addressed right away. This is especially true when customers find discrepancies on their bills like hidden fees, unrequested services or overcharges. Over the phone, customer service agents can review the bills and offer detailed explanations in real time.

There is truly no better way to convey such important information than through a verbal conversation. When customers speak directly to live customer service agents, they are able to ask questions and have them answered quickly. Speaking over the phone also reduces the potential for misunderstandings. Phone conversations provide customers with immediate reassurances, helping to grow a company’s ability to deliver customer satisfaction.

Technical support.

If you’re the type of person who regularly experiences tech issues (and gets frustrated in the process), you’re not alone. Many people aren’t tech savvy. This is what makes troubleshooters among the most important customer service agents in any industry. Unquestionably, it’s best to get real-time assistance with technical issues. Over the phone, a phone agent can troubleshoot software, set up a new device or resolve connectivity problems.

A real-time conversation enables customer service representatives to guide customers step-by-step. Callers can ask relevant questions and provide immediate feedback too. Of course, this is much harder to do over email or text-based communication. Phone conversations are known to minimize frustration. They give customers instant assistance that help them to have their issues resolved more quickly.

Escalated complaints.

There’s no question that when a customer is particularly upset, there is no room for waiting to address the situation. An email correspondence simply won’t satisfy an individual looking to resolve a major problem. This is because emails both take too long (anything less than immediate usually isn’t acceptable) and can often come off as impersonal.

To effectively de-escalate a situation, a customer service representative needs to utilize a sensitive tone of voice, express empathy and demonstrate active listening. This combination conveys genuine concern and a willingness to resolve the issue. As well, the personal interaction can help to defuse anger, build rapport and generate a positive outcome.

Are your customer service representatives equipped to provide top-notch service?

With Melo Technology’s VoIP-based Commercial Phone Services, you and your staff will be equipped with all of the features necessary to be top-tier customer service providers! To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page.