Why Is Posting To Social Media So Important For Your Business?

Once upon a time, we lived in a world where advertising your business was a pricey endeavour. Companies large enough to afford the production of television commercials knew this all too well. No matter the marketing strategy – radio spots, flyers and billboards among many other methods – a significant budget was necessary. Today, we live in a world where companies can advertise to large audiences every day for free. It’s all about social media these days.
Of course, there are numerous payment-requirement opportunities available through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the like. However, establishing accounts on any of these platforms is free. As well, social media use is so popular and widespread that signing up and using accounts is a no-brainer for any business owner. But why is posting to social media so important for your business?
It offers a way to quickly share content.
Social media give you the opportunity to share just about anything you like within seconds of you deciding to do so. Whether it’s a simple text-based message, a photo or a video, a few taps of a smartphone screen is all it takes to get your message out there. Because it’s free to join any platform, social media automatically give you a very cost-effective way to promote your company. Posting increases your brand’s visibility and gives it a chance to reach a wide audience in a short span of time.
It helps you to reach your target audience.
Through the advent of hashtags, your messages can be targeted towards your target audience. The icon also known as the “pound sign” or “number symbol” can be placed in front of any word or phrase you like. When included in your post, a hashtag helps to make your message become part of a larger conversation around that topic. By targeting your marketing messages on social media, you work to generate greater engagement and eventually higher interest in your business.
It enables you to offer customer service.
There is no one better than an actual customer to give you feedback about how you can improve your business. These days, social media channels are used more often that phone numbers and email addresses to express grievances. Contrary to what you may think, this is a good thing. Even if a complaint is lodged against your company in a public forum, social media allow you to respond publicly. By helping your customers with other eyes watching, you can successfully showcase your company’s penchant for being reputable and trustworthy.
It puts your expertise on display.
People like working with experts. Your social media accounts can help to highlight just how adept you are in your chosen field. Bear in mind that your posts shouldn’t always be strict advertisements. Posts that include helpful hints, tips and advice demonstrate just how much of a helpful and reliable source your brand can be. This is what attracts consumers to your business when in need of something it provides. On social media, valuable information-rich posts trump blatant commercials any day.
Don’t like creating social media posts yourself? The MeloSocial content writing team has nearly two decades of experience creating relatable and engaging content for businesses of all kinds. Let us create all of your posts for you! For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email