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Why All Your Social Media Posts Need High-Quality Images

Do you remember the days when Twitter only allowed you to post tweets containing 140 characters? What that basically meant was that you could only share your thoughts in about a sentence or two. That feels like a long time ago, doesn’t it? Much has changed. Today, you can post 280 characters and, oh yeah, Twitter is called X now. But, that’s not even the point. A social media post with just text – in today’s world – is so very easy to overlook.

These days, it’s all about vivid images and videos. A social media post – no matter the platform – practically must have an accompanying image in order to garner attention. You’re not still posting your messages without any visuals, are you? Let’s dive into why all of your social media posts need high-quality images.

It’s all about capturing attention – quickly!

Let us make very clear that social media users are ALL vying for attention. Garnering views, likes and comments isn’t so easy when you have a TON of other social media users competing for people’s eyes. What is it that sets your posts apart from others? 9 times out of 10, it’s all about the visuals. High-quality images are heralded for being the ultimate scroll-stoppers.

Today’s social media users are constantly scrolling through their feeds with the quickness. What stops them mid-scroll? A crisp, colourful and vibrant image most often does the trick. It can grab attention within a split second. A photo-less post or even one with a grainy, poorly-lit image is going to get overlooked. Simply put, you won’t find much success on social media without an attention-grabbing graphic.

It can boost engagement and shares.

The act of “going viral” is a hugely popular ambition for many a social media user. We’d be shocked to hear that a text-only post is getting widely shared. In nearly every circumstance, it’s an eye-catching image or video that gets people to share a post. With a high-quality image, your post is a lot more likely to be shared across various platforms.

Remember that being engaging is what will help your business to attract more would-be customers. Each stunning image you share provides an opportunity to become an advertisement seen by numerous eyes. We’re all drawn to things that are visually pleasing. Don’t think that social media algorithms won’t notice the high-quality of your posts. They will help you to extend your messages to new audiences.

It reflects your professionalism.

You don’t have to be reminded that there is competition out there. What do your competitors tend to post on their social media feeds? We’re guessing they use cool photos themselves. Outdoing your competitors can often be achieved by posting intriguing messages complete with high-quality images.

By showcasing such professionalism, you will grow trust and admiration from members of your target audience. They will be more likely to follow your accounts, engage with your posts and (most importantly) contact you when in need of your goods and services.

Could you use some help updating your social media accounts?

With Melo Technology’s Melo Social, you can manage all of your social media feeds in one easy-to-use location! If you don’t like creating social media posts yourself, Melo Social’s content writing team can create all of your posts for you – complete with high-quality images designed specifically for your brand! To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page!