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What Are The Top Benefits Of Keeping Your Blog Section Fresh?

Since the inception of Melo Technology (formerly MeloTel) some 15-plus years ago, we have been blogging. As far as we’re concerned, updating our blog section is an absolute must. It ensures that our website is constantly kept fresh and relevant so that internet users can easily find our site.

As you’re likely aware, search engines love fresh content. Therefore, a regularly updated blog helps to boost SEO rankings. In other words, the fresher your content, the more likely it will be for people to find your site during their Google searches. It’s all about posting relevant and engaging blogs. So, with today’s blog, we thought we’d point out some of the top benefits of keeping a fresh blog section!

It shows you’re an expert in your field.

It’s important to talk the talk. Your blog lets you showcase your knowledge and expertise in your field. Whenever you share valuable insights, tips and information, you position yourself as an industry leader. Suffice it to say, we know a thing or two about the benefits of blogging! We post no less than two blogs per week on the Melo Technology site. All of our blogs cover an area of our company’s expertise.

As a result, we have garnered great respect as a leader in the telecom industry. We’re especially proud of the fact that our business has received many generous referrals over the years. “I was told to check out your website by my buddy,” one of our new clients told us recently, “Your blog showed me that you guys know your stuff about a lot of things that are important to my business. I think it’s gonna be fun to work with you guys.”

It supports your marketing efforts.

Naturally, the name of the game is making money. As a business owner, it’s wise to invest in cost-effective marketing strategies. Look no further than regular blogging as an excellent way to both maximize your marketing budgets and garner more attention. Keep in mind that each blog you post can be used as a social media post. Simply place the link to the blog in a post and you’ve created a new pathway to your company site.

As well, links to your blogs can be used in the content of your email marketing efforts. With a steady stream of new material to offer your readers, you always have fresh ways of promoting your business. Use your blog section to keep your audience informed about new products, services and promotions. Doing so will drive interest and boost sales.

Let us blog for you!

As we pointed out, the Melo Technology Blog has worked wonders in growing our brand. We can do the very same for you! Our team of Bloggers For Hire has many years of experience making various company websites shine with engaging content. Our copy is readable, engaging and optimized to get you more hits in search engines. For more information, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page!