Welcoming The Season Of Smiling
It’s no big secret that the team, here at MeloTel, is very much already in the holiday spirit. What, with John Meloche and Nadia Luna releasing Uncle John’s Holiday Hits 2012 last week, how could we not be? We feel that it’s always important to be in a festive mood. That is, of course, if you want your customers to be happy.
The key, we believe, to ensuring customer happiness is to be happy yourself. After all, how will you be able to truly please your clients if you’re not all that pleasing yourself? There are plenty of ways to communicate your good cheer that are so simple, they’re not even worth mentioning. But we’re going to mention them anyway.
Smile. Yep, we’re serious. You’d be surprised how many people forget this super-simple rule to making a customer happy. Smiling, just like laughter, is contagious. So be sure to look as pleasing as you sound when you’re interacting with clients. And this goes for being on the phone too. Try it out and see if it doesn’t make a difference. You know, you can “hear” a smile over the phone, right?
Tweet. Yes, we’ve blogged about the power of Twitter before. But remember that there are ways to use it to put smiles on faces and not just promote your company. Tweeting, if you haven’t figured out yet, is hugely popular. So go ahead and ask your customers if they are on Twitter.
One of our clients informed us that he does this so that he can publicly tweet a thank you to each customer he does business with. This, he tells us, has done wonders for his business. It not only gets him more followers, but it encourages his customers to be loyal. Not to mention, tweeting helps to spark greater attention for your business as a “people’s company”.
Facebook. Is there a verb for “Facebooking” the way there is for tweeting? If not, it looks like we’ve just created one. While we’re on the topic of social media, we may as well reiterate the importance of this social networking giant. Why not post pictures that you take with your customers? Attach them to “thank you” comments on their Facebook pages.
Remember that each comment you post creates a link to your page. It’s also a great way to publicly acknowledge your customers while spreading the good word about how pleasant and friendly your business is. This type of acknowledgment is also bound to be appreciated.
Just get permission first. Depending on your business, some clients may want to keep their shopping habits to themselves. And the last thing you want to do is come off creepy! Again, it’s the simple things that can most often impress a client. And when you put effort into making them smile, you will secure a long lasting relationship.