We Take Your Privacy Seriously
One’s privacy and security should always be of paramount importance. This issue, in fact, is something that we, here at MeloTel, take very seriously. We make sure to take every possible precaution to protect the privacy of each and every one of our clients. This is why one of our strictest guidelines is to never share our clients’ information with any outside marketing agencies.
Security, or more appropriately, breach of security has become a hot topic lately, as the marketing firm Epsilon is currently facing a major backlash due to a severe data breach. Numerous companies have been coming out and complaining that their e-mail addresses have been compromised ever since the breach was announced.
This past week, CNN staff writer David Goldman weighed in on this issue highlighting that the number of companies expressing their dissatisfaction with Epsilon continues to mount. Even though Epsilon announced the breach of security of their customer databases and e-mail accounts on March 31st, there is a growing impact that continues to affect more of their clients.
Goldman notes that Epsilon manages around 2,500 company accounts. The data breach, which is continually referred to as “massive” has caused havoc for such companies as Verizon and Ritz Carleton. These and other companies including Ameriprise Financial, Hilton, Marriott, Chase, Target, Bebe, Eddie Bauer and TiVo are currently undergoing measures on how to handle this pressing issue.
Said one spokeswoman for Verizon: “We wanted to make sure we had the most detailed information possible from Epsilon. With such a sensitive topic as personal information security, we wanted to get the information exactly right.” Interestingly, it appears as if not all of Epsilon’s clients have been affected, so they are not all yet sure if action is even required.
Goldman writes that “Epsilon said last week that an ‘unauthorized entry into Epsilon’s e-mail system’ exposed e-mail addresses and some customer names from around 2% of its clients. The main danger that poses is the potential of increased spam and phishing attacks.”
One of the gravest concerns for Epsilon’s clients is that their e-mail inboxes will become bombarded with “spam”. Also known as unsolicited advertisements, spam e-mails greatly slow down productivity. Not to mention, they are annoying! Perhaps worse, are “phishing” e-mails that attempt to swindle consumers into providing bank or credit card information to a source they think they can trust.
MeloTel is very thankful that we have not had any issues with having our clients’ information getting into the wrong hands. And we most certainly intend on keeping things that way! If you have any questions about our security features or any other service we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.