Industry News, MeloTel Features

VoIP vs. Traditional Phones: Who Wins The Reliability War?

What is the more advantageous route for your business? Would it be utilizing VoIP technology for your phone system? Or sticking with traditional phone lines to make and take your phone calls? As you can certainly tell from our last blog, the Melo Technology team is most certainly aboard the VoIP train!

In the blog, we debunked the myths that VoIP phones experience frequently dropped calls, offer poor sound quality, fail during power outages and don’t secure your privacy. Considering just how secure VoIP calls actually are, we thought it important to revisit the topic of reliability in the telecom world. Who wins the reliability war? Is it VoIP or traditional phones? Let’s explore.

Which type of phone system is more vulnerable to security threats?

As you know, VoIP transmits data over the internet. In order to do this, modern encryption protocols and network security practices are necessary. Why? High security is a staple of VoIP technology. Such measures as end-to-end encryption, firewalls and multi-factor authentication are utilized to protect against hacking and unauthorized access.

Traditional phone lines, on the other hand, have been proven to be less secure. They are far more susceptible to such privacy-invading activities as wiretapping. HowStuffWorks reveals that there are two ways to wiretap a traditional phone line.

“The perpetrator can create a permanent splice into your wire, in which case you would be able to see the splice if you can trace the entire length of the wire,” their website informs, “The perpetrator can (also) clip in intermittently at a junction box. This is what a telephone repair person does when testing your line. In that case, there is no physical evidence.”

Which type of phone system is more suitable for business?

As we have championed in many blogs of past, VoIP technology offers several advantages over traditional phone lines for business use. Firstly, it’s scalable. That means that your company can easily add or remove lines as needed. Secondly, VoIP offers countless amazing features. Among them are call waiting, caller ID, conference calling, incoming call routing, call recordings, custom hold music and voicemail-to-email.

“VoIP is a great choice for businesses that need to make long-distance calls,” writes John Iwuozor for Forbes, “It’s also a good option for organizations that prefer group and conference calls for better collaboration and communication.”

Which type of phone system is more cost-effective?

“Because they’re compatible with multiple devices, VoIP phone lines tend to have a lower total cost of ownership than landlines do,” notes Mark Fairlie on, “An employee is usually assigned a corporate computer so they can easily access a dedicated VoIP phone line without needing extra hardware. VoIP phone lines start at just $10 per user per month, making it easy to add lines as your business expands and your workforce grows.”

With Melo Technology’s VoIP-based Commercial Phone Services, you and your staff will be equipped with all of the features necessary to be top-tier customer service providers! To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page.