The President Gets Published
If you simply can’t stand the kind of person who continually raises the bar and accomplishes new milestone achievements, then MeloTel President, John Meloche is not your type of guy. After reporting last week, that John has gone and cut himself a new Christmas album entitled Uncle John’s Holiday Hits, we are now happy to report that John has also now become a published author!
Well, sort of. In this past Friday’s edition of The National Post, the holiday section featured an article entitled, “Avoid The Mall Crawl With Online Shopping Solutions”. This nifty little piece was conceived by none other than John himself. Complete with headshot and everything, this article marks the first of John’s writing adventures.
The article details the various benefits of shopping from the comfort of your own homes. It goes without saying that during the holiday shopping season, shopping malls are crowded with customers who are all looking to get their hands on as many gifts as they can. Needless to say, this causes many consumers great aggravation the holiday rush makes shopping both a time-consuming and often-tiring activity.
John’s article not only discusses he convenience of online shopping – no waiting in long line ups necessary! – but it also goes over a few helpful tips that will help people to shop online safely. For example, he encourages shoppers to do a bit of research on the retailer’s website before committing to any purchases.
Is the merchant located in Canada? If not, are there any applicable customs and tax charges that may be incurred? Does the company have a phone number listed on the site to prove its legitimacy? These are just a few of the questions that one should both ask and get answered before going ahead with making any purchases online.
John’s article was published in perfect timing. Today officially marks “Free Shipping Day” in Canada. As the name suggests, today online shoppers have the opportunity to purchases items online from a number of select retailers that will ship the items without any additional shipping costs.
Not quite as popular yet as Cyber Monday, “Free Shipping Day” is one of the busiest online shopping days of the year. So today would be a great day to take some of John’s advice. And you know it’s got to be good advice. How else would it appear in a national newspaper?
Just click on the photo of the article above to read it for yourself. Congratulations John! And happy shopping everyone!