Success Circuit Interviews John Meloche
What a week it has been for MeloTel. With the introduction of a new logo, new Facebook page and most importantly, our brand new Residential Telephone Services, our company has been on quite a role. Of course, our president, John Meloche has never been one to rest on his laurels. Always thinking of the next step, John has been very busy as of late.
And it is evident that people are taking notice! Last week, John was interviewed by Michelle Baker of the Success Circuit blog. A website dedicated to recognizing “normal people living their dreams”, Baker discovered that John is anything but normal! The interview revealed that MeloTel’s president is both an entrepreneur and a rapper – and perhaps a little bit of everything else in between!
“I am highly motivated to seizing opportunities afforded to me and dedicating my time to flourishing opportunities,” said John, “I started in the industry as a hobbyist and ultimately evolved into a very rewarding career of working over the Internet.” Since MeloTel’s inception in 2009, John has made evident that he is very passionate about his company and the services it provides to his clients.
There is no question that John enjoys his work. The personal touch that MeloTel adds to its services is one of the key ingredients that sets it apart from larger companies. Customers receive hands-on service from a company that actually cares about them. To communicate this, however, it takes great dedication. Obviously, running a smaller company means having to put more effort into living up to your commitments.
And how does a motivated business owner accomplish this? According to John, it all begins with simply listening to your customers. “Something I learned years ago is you can get an education worth thousands of dollars just by asking questions and listening to what others have to say,” he explained, “I attribute my success and diversity to consistently working harder than I am paid to do, while knowing eventually I will make more for what I do.”
John truly makes it sound easy, doesn’t he? But as Baker found out, John’s tireless efforts come at a personal price. The biggest one of all? His sleep! “Right now my biggest struggle is finding the time for all my ideas,” admits John, “Many of the moves I make in my businesses are moves that require much planning and diligence. I live by the motto: so many ideas, so little time. I am currently working on a way to be able to get less sleep at night while still feeling rested during the day.”
And what about that aforementioned rap career? By now, you may have already caught wind of “888-MELOTEL”, John’s hip-hop single. Written and produced by Toronto rap veteran, Dan-e-o and recorded and mixed by T.J. Habibi of Secret Surburbia, the rap song “started as a joke”, says John. However, John’s hip-hop debut became a “very catchy jingle” that now serves a cool commercial for the company. Check it out:
So what is next for MeloTel? Perhaps, the question should be “what isn’t next for MeloTel?” Not surprisingly, the ever-evolving John had this to say in response: “Expand, expand and expand…I am hoping to make MeloTel a household name in Canada by providing the services people really want and focusing on value and excellent service.”