Much To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Canada! At MeloTel, we certainly have a lot to be thankful for. Firstly, with the arrival of baby Mark earlier this week, the entire MeloTel Team has let out both a collective sigh of relief and an exclamation of glee all at the same time. Over a week past due, Mark was delivered by C section on Tuesday to the delight of his parents, John and Kathryn.
Not only are we thankful that our company President and his lovely wife-slash-Office Coordinator can finally celebrate being parents for the first time, but we’re also quite grateful for the amazing relationships we’ve developed with our clients from all over Canada. As you may already be aware, making customers’ lives easier is a big part of our motto, here at MeloTel.
And we believe that, in addition to providing incomparable products and services, it’s the relationships that we have developed that truly make the working experience that much more worthwhile. We can tell through the various emails and phone calls we get from clients who express their appreciation to us on a regular basis. We’d truly like to thank you all for that.
We’d also like to thank you for your referrals. MeloTel has successfully grown over the past few years thanks to the many clients we have who have recommended us to others. We’re so happy that we’ve been able to make you so happy that you you’ve encouraged others to utilize our services. Your recommendations mean a lot to us. They’ve helped us to grow tremendously.
We’re also thankful to the members of our great staff. Sure, we brag about you in our blogs every now and then. But it’s important that you know that MeloTel couldn’t exist or run in the way that it does without the talent and dedication that each and every one of you bring to the table. We’re only able to offer the array of services that we do thanks to your involvement in our brand.
To our blog readers, we can’t thank you enough. We appreciate that you continually visit both the MeloTel website and the MeloTel Facebook page to offer your comments, click “like” and even email your suggestions. We know that both our blog and our social media pages are great ways to keep conversations going and bring greater interest to what we do. We’re proud to have you as our friends.
Perhaps Mark came at a perfect time after all. His arrival has reminded us about how joyous life can be and how thankful we should all be just to be here. We wish all of you the most joyous of Thanksgiving Day long weekends yet. As always, MeloTel remains available to speak with you in the event of any emergencies. Feel free to call us when you need assistance at 1-888-MELOTEL.
Here’s hoping the only emergency you’ll experience this weekend is where to fit your dessert after chowing down on that delicious meal you’ll be sharing with your family and friends. Even if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving formally – here’s hoping that you’ll always have something to be thankful for. At MeloTel, we do our best to be thankful each and every day.