Industry News, MeloTel Features, Social Media

More Do’s And Don’ts Of Promoting Your Business On Social Media

At the end of July, we posted a blog about some of the do’s and don’ts of promoting your business on social media. We stressed the importance of targeting your audience and using visuals in each of your posts. As well, we warned against posting too frequently and ignoring your comments and messages. As you can imagine, we were only scratching the surface! So let’s take a look at some more do’s and don’ts of promoting your business on social media.

DO remember to be social.

Social media is aptly named. The concept wasn’t originally thought up as an advertising source. No matter how much you wish to promote your brand, remember to interact with your friends and followers. Instead of simply posting your content and disappearing, be sure to respond to comments, answer questions and show appreciation for your followers.

As well, use polls, queries and other interactive content to encourage participation. This will help you to generate two-way conversations that will grow your brand’s reach and improve its reputation as a people-pleaser.

DON’T ignore negative feedback.

If and when you receive a harsh comment, it’s actually important to not delete or ignore it. Instead, use the complaint as an opportunity to showcase your penchant for amazing customer service. Address the comment head-on in a professional and empathetic manner. By taking this approach, you can turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Because your interaction will take place on social media, it will impress many more than just one person. Other social media users will bear witness to the respect you showed the person who made the complaint. Your response will highlight your dedication to customer satisfaction.

DO have a regular posting schedule.

At some point, your followers are going to expect new content from you. Don’t keep them waiting for too long. While you don’t want to overdo it (see our last blog on this subject), it’s a good idea to post consistently. Develop a posting schedule that works for your business and stick to it. Daily doesn’t hurt. Anything less than weekly won’t be very effective.

By having regular social media posts, you will keep your brand top of mind. As well, it’s a signal that your business is active and engaged. For many people, a social media account that seldom updates is a sign that a business is either not doing well or non-existent!

DON’T be fake.

Authenticity matters. It’s not wise to make your brand appear to be something that it isn’t. People can often tell when an account isn’t truthful. There’s a lot of that on social media. Instead, share behind-the-scenes looks to demonstrate what your business is truly all about. As well, be honest about your challenges or setbacks. Giving people content they can relate to will help your business go a lot further than “doing it for the ‘gram” posts.

Do you need some help updating your social media accounts?

With Melo Technology’s Melo Social, you can manage all of your social media feeds in one easy-to-use location! If you don’t like creating social media posts yourself, Melo Social’s content writing team can create all of your posts for you! To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page!