MeloTel Is Moving On Up!
You know how they say “change is good”? Well, at MeloTel, we certainly feel that way. So, this week, you will notice that there have been some significant changes made in the land of MeloTel. And we’re only too excited to tell you all about them! Firstly, we’ve changed locations and have a new address!
We thought, that since MeloTel is all about getting its clients in on the action, it was about time that we set up shop where all of the action is. And that would be right in the heart of the city of Toronto! The MeloTel offices have officially been relocated to 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1801, Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1W7.
So, going forward, all correspondence should be sent to that very address. Our phone number, however, has remained the same. Don’t ever hesitate to call us by dialing 1-888-MELOTEL. You know the song, right? If not, here it is: HERE
Give us a call and you will receive speedy, knowledgeable service from the company “where better value, better technology and better service thrives!”
Our address is not the only thing that has changed. One other physical difference you may have noticed is our snazzy new Facebook profile! The most apparent alteration is our sleek new alternate logo. You know how professional sports teams often have a logo that spells our their team names, in addition to having simplified letters to symbolize their monikers?
Well, at MeloTel, we have a great team of talented individuals who all work together to perform at their absolute bests to please our customers. Why can’t we have an alternate logo for our team? As you can see from the image attached to today’s blog, MeloTel now incorporates a bright new “M” as its symbol.
Now tell me you can’t picture that on a baseball cap? Hmmm, now there’s an idea. The yellow “M” with the word “MeloTel” across it can be found all over our Facebook page giving it a new and vibrant feel. But we knew that updating our logo wasn’t the only way that we were going to create a greater buzz for our company through social media.
Our Facebook profile now embodies a lot more than business updates and blog posts. Giving the page a more personal touch, MeloTel President, John Meloche now regularly updates the profile with pictures, comments and questions that encourage fans of the page to become engaged in conversation.
Often not even business related, John’s new pics and comments fall in line with what many experts insist social media is all about. Less about self-promotion and more about communication, the new MeloTel Facebook page is all about connecting with the community at large. It’s changes like these that we hope will help MeloTel excel to greater heights.
They don’t stop there, by the way. We’re only just getting started. Be sure to check back to read our next blog in order to learn more about the incredible new services being offered by MeloTel. Just when you thought it was safe to get yourself a personal phone line from one the “big name” companies…