Mastering The Making-You-Happy Business
We love making customers happy. We should print t-shirts with this phrase on it. And yes, we’ve said something along these lines before. So, in reality, there are a lot of sayings that we should wear on t-shirts, here at MeloTel. If only we were a t-shirt manufacturer. We’re in the making-people-happy business whether we say so on our garments or not. And we’d like to make you happy too!
As you know, this week, we have been blogging about our new Single Number Reach feature. This is one of our latest innovations that took into account what our clients have been telling us. We blogged last week about our ability to listen to our customers in order to provide the services that they truly need. This, we find, is a surefire way to make them happy.
“I’ve given a lot companies that I’ve worked with suggestions,” reported one client this week, “But I’ve never felt that they’ve truly listened to me. Perhaps, because I was speaking to a representative who had no control and didn’t care, nothing got done. But with MeloTel, I feel like I’m actually being listened to. I can’t help but feel I’ve influenced their new ideas in some way.”
Our client is right. She and many other new clients have brought up the concept of being on-the-go, and the difficulty they have in getting and returning calls in expeditious ways. The new Single Number Reach feature has answered that call…so to speak. Now, our customers have the unique ability to simultaneously get phone calls on any of their existing phone lines when only one number is dialed.
“The bills that most companies send me are so annoying,” another new client admitted, “I think they are convoluted on purpose. Sometimes, I’m not sure what I’m being charged. I let MeloTel review my bill and they showed me how they could save me money. I mentioned, though, that I hoped their bills weren’t confusing. Next thing you know, they introduce that a new all-inclusive billing system is coming. I’m looking forward to it.”
Earlier this month, we blogged about the fact that MeloTel is now an all-inclusive destination! Sort of. No matter what services you receive from MeloTel (and there are many to choose from!), the new MeloTel bills will display a simple and convenient charging model. One easy-to-read-and-understand charge for all of your services – just as you asked for.
To make customers happy, we know that we need to take your concerns into consideration. Each of our new and forthcoming features have your happiness in mind. As always, we are open to feedback and look forward to hearing from you so that we can speak about the ways in which we can make you happy with our new services. Call us up at 1-888-MELOTEL.