Keep Calm And Call MeloTel
What makes a good friend? This is actually a question that has sparked many a conversation in the MeloTel offices. The words that often pop up in the answers include “trustworthy”, “honest”, “dependable” and “reliable”. Being able to trust a person, it seems, is very high on the list of things that make that person worth being a friend. At MeloTel, we’ve considered this fact in the way we approach our customer service practices.
The way we see it, if our customers can see MeloTel as a friend, we’re in good shape. More specifically, if our customers are able to truly trust us, then we know we will have their loyalty for the long haul. Our company mantra, if you will, is based on ensuring that the needs of its customers are made first priorities. We often think about what it’s like to be customers ourselves, knowing how we prefer to be treated.
Trust is a big deal. In fact, one of the top reasons that most of our new clients give us for why they left their previous telecom providers is that they weren’t trustworthy. “I would get a different response from every representative I’d speak to,” one of them reported to us, “And then I’d call back and be told that none of what I was told before was true. It was really frustrating.”
Accessibility. Being accessible is a big part of what makes customers trust you. Think about it. What kind of person ignores a friend in need? What kind of company makes a customer wait for days to get answers? At MeloTel, we believe strongly in getting our clients what they need expeditiously. Even if it’s an answer to a simple question, we make sure that there are many ways to contact us. And we respond quickly!
Affordability. A friend always has your best interest at heart, doesn’t he? A good friend finds a sweet deal and tells his or her friends about it. If a person can save you money, it’s a good idea to keep that person around, right? MeloTel offers would-be clients a free, no obligation look at their current telecom bills. We then kindly let them know exactly how much money they could be saving by making the switch to MeloTel.
Accountability. We stand behind our word. And we stand behind our products and services. If, for any reason, a client is unhappy, he or she will be offered their money back in full, as long as the service is cancelled within 30 days. That is the MeloTel Quality of Service Guarantee. With that, we ensure our clients that we will hold ourselves accountable for all of our promises.
Advancement-Savvy. Hey, we figured we had to stick with the theme of “A” words. At MeloTel, we make sure that we’re on top of the latest advances in technology so that we can constantly offer new and innovative features to our clients. That way, we can continue to build trust in the way we assure our customers that MeloTel will always keep their businesses ahead of the curve.
Give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL to discover the many products and services that we can offer your company. We will do our part to gain your trust. We look forward to making you our friend by showing you just how trustworthy we are as an organization. There’s no need to worry. There’s no need to fear. If you need a friend, keep calm and and call MeloTel!