Introducing Mark James Meloche!
FINALLY! It brings us great pleasure to announce the birth of Mark James Meloche! Parents John and Kathryn welcomed Mark into the world yesterday – Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at 3:26 p.m. EST. And boy did Mark make us all wait! Originally due to arrive on the 27th of September, Mark put his family through the suspense of wondering what day he would finally make his appearance.
After an attempt to induce labour on Monday morning still provided no immediate signs of contractions for Kathryn, she and John opted for a C section the following afternoon. Mark had to come at some point – and mommy and daddy were tired of waiting. As we expected, our company President John Meloche could not contain his excitement following his son’s birth.
“I’M A PROUD PAPA!!!” wrote John on his Facebook wall about an hour after Mark officially entered the world. And why wouldn’t he be proud? As you can imagine, little Mark isn’t all that little. Already following in his father’s footsteps – John stands at 6’7” – Mark weighed in at 8 lbs 15oz. and was 21 inches long at the time of his birth. We wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already grown since then!
As you can imagine, an avalanche of comments and messages came pouring in shortly after John posted the good news. Mark, being John and Kathryn’s first born, has certainly created quite a lot of exhilaration. Of course, any time a baby is born, there is a great deal to be excited about. Perhaps it’s because most of the MeloTel family know John to be such a big baby himself! We’re all so happy for him and Kathryn.
Here are just a few of the well wishes sent the way of the couple on Facebook: “OMG I’m crying! Congrats! He’s so beautiful and perfect!! Kathryn Meloche you’ve had a long few days!!! It was all worth it!” – “I think he has Kathryn’s nose!!! Can’t wait to meet him! Good job Kathryn Meloche ur a real trooper!!!!” – “He’s Amazing!! Congratulations you two!! So so happy for you. A big huge welcome to Baby Mark!! Can’t wait to meet him!”
We’re not exactly sure when John will be back in the MeloTel offices to resume his role as President and overall Captain of the Ship. But knowing John, it’s unlikely that he’ll be taking many days off. A born multi-tasker, John will be back in action in no time, probably showing Mark off to everyone in the office and showing his newborn the ropes of how to run a business.
Not to worry though. MeloTel is as fully functioning as always. Of course, we remain available to take your calls, answer your questions and provide you with the unbeatable array of services that we’ve become known for. As always, feel free to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL. And, of course, if you choose to, please be our guest and offer your words of congratulations to John and Kathryn.
You can do so in the comment section of the MeloTel Facebook page where the link to this very blog will be posted. John and Kathryn read everything you guys write, so don’t be shy. It’s obviously a very special time for the king and queen of MeloTel and of course, it’s a special time for all of their family and friends. We excitedly invite you to be a part of it all. Welcome to the world Mark!