Here are few great reasons to consider doing business with MeloTel
Why Choose Us? There’s more to it than just really fast servers. Here are 10 of the many reasons to choose MeloTel as your service provider.
We support. For general business inquiries we are available between 8am and 7pm every weekday, but for technical issues we never close. We never leave, and the lights never go off. We offer 24/7/365 support.
We’re affordable. When you truly consider the facts – when you add up all of the features – we undeniably offer more value than any nearest competitor. Sometimes you have to look beyond the price and consider all things such as quality, uptime, support and then features. There is a cost to “cheap web hosting” – don’t let it burn you.
We answer the phone. Our average hold time for technical support is below 2 minutes.
We hire amazing employees. The talent runs deep within our organization. This means a better experience for you. We find, hire and train the most talented individuals possible and we work hard to keep them.
Serving Canadians since 2008. We’re not “fly by night” – we’re not going anywhere. Our longevity and experience matters and will speak for itself.
Tier III data centers. Our data centers providers have some of the highest level design and engineering features available in the world; surpassing uptime, security, cooling and power redundancy standards of all other multi-tennant data facilities.
Innovation. Over and over MeloTel has been the first to market with new technologies. Notably, we were the first company take tenancy in Canada’s first Multi-Tennant Tier III Data Facility.
We rise to the challenge. Just like all complex systems, hosting services occasionally encounter problems. When something unexpected happens within our network that affects your services, we immediately rise to the challenge and provide transparent status updates in real-time. Subscribe to @nocstatus on twitter for an incident to stay updated every step of the way until it’s resolved.
You can trust us. We’ve received an A from BBB. Also known as the Better Business Bureau. The BBB’s appraisal of MeloTel is further proof that we are committed to being honest and forthright in all of our business relationships. We also protect our clients with data encryption and SSL layers.
We want your business. We understand there is a high demand for excellent customer service. We promise to do everything we can to ensure we exceed your expectations during any interaction. Give us 1% of your trust and we will earn the other 99%.