Getting In On The Cyber Monday Action
Today is Cyber Monday. So we ask you this question: Has your company website ever been more important? All throughout Canada, shoppers are taking advantage of the fact that retailers are slashing the prices on items that are purchased directly from their websites today. Following this past Friday’s Black Friday festivities – if you can call them that – Cyber Monday marks one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
For the most part, people enjoy shopping online because of the incredible convenience that it brings them. In fact, two years ago, MeloTel President John Meloche published an article in The National Post detailing his love for being able to make purchases while still in his pajamas. Is this not a convenience that you would like to provide to your customers?
At MeloTel, we go all out to make sure that your customers are having excellent visiting experiences to your website. In this day and age, it certainly pays to have a strong online presence. That includes having regularly updated blogs and posts to your social media pages. The least you could do is be active on Facebook and Twitter on a consistent basis. Your website, however, is most important.
Your social media profiles should always provide links to your company site. How else can you turn friends and followers into buying customers? And what better way to make your online visitors become buying customers than to have a website that allows them to make purchases directly? Arguably, there is no more convenient way for a purchase to be made than online.
“Personally, I love online shopping,” admitted one of our colleagues recently, “Why would I want to spend all that time looking for parking, then looking for gifts in a mall? It takes forever, it’s annoying and tiresome. I’d much rather sit in front of a computer, click a few buttons and be on my way. Having items shipped to me is a lot more convenient than having to lug them around a mall.”
So how exactly does MeloTel go all out to make sure that your website provides this type of convenience to your customers? Our Web Design Services team is comprised of highly-talented graphic designers who know how to attract people to your brand. We also offer a variety of website packages so that you may choose the type of site that will work best for your business.
Whether you would like to construct a simple brochure website or you would like a fully featured online shopping cart system, MeloTel will meet your demands. We recommend, of course, that you offer your online visitors the opportunity to buy directly from your site. Days like today make clear that providing such an option can provide vast benefits for your business.
People love to shop online. And no other day of the year sees more online shopping than Cyber Monday. If you’re not getting in on the action this year, be sure to not let the opportunity pass you by next year. You don’t need to wait for Cyber Monday for your website to garner you more sales. Canadian shoppers enjoy online shopping every day of the year. Let’s get your site all set up to provide this option! Call 1-888-MELOTEL.