Follow The Tweeter
Just a little over a month ago – and just about a month after we got this cool new blog started – he humbly asked our readers to begin following MeloTel on our Twitter account. And wow, have you responded! Having approximately 100 followers at the time of the request, MeloTel currently boasts over 2500 followers on Twitter!
It goes without saying that, these days, social networking is pretty much mandatory. Companies, no matter how big or small, are flocking to the Twitters and the Facebooks of the world to promote their companies. Just about every television commercial these days throws up an address to an account to either or both of these popular websites. Is there any reason to not have at least one online profile these days?
At MeloTel, we can attest to the power of social networking as it has greatly increased our reach. Without it costing a penny, a Twitter page can immediately inform all of your followers about…well, pretty much everything. We’ve done our best to keep our “tweets” pretty creative.
For example, we will post a tweet that includes a link to this great blog each and every time a new entry has been posted. And we will also throw out comments about recent events and current news stories. Not to mention, we will reply to tweets that mention MeloTel to let our followers know that we are following them as well.
That really is what’s it about, isn’t it? Showing your followers, or in other words, your customers, that you are listening is an important part of maintaining good business relationships. We pretty much make it a mandatory rule at MeloTel to have the concerns of our customers be a top priority. We are always here to listen to and address the needs of our clients so that they are always completely satisfied.
That being said, we make it a habit to show our appreciation to our customers, as well. We are well aware that without them, there would be no us! So thanks so much for following us on Twitter. We encourage you to also check out our Facebook profile which will also keep you informed about our blogs and other amazing happenings at MeloTel.
And, of course, we encourage you to set up your own social networking profiles if you haven’t done so already. Especially in Canada – a country known for its ravenous appetite for social networking – it’s always a good idea to ensure that your online presence is as vibrant as possible.
Give MeloTel a call and let’s discuss ways that we can get your company website in tip top shape including links to all of your social networking sites. Experts in the field of online networking and telecommuncations, MeloTel is your partner in bringing the world to you! We look forward to speaking with you soon.