MeloTel News
MeloTel Grows Greatly On Google
The objective of any business, once it starts out, is to grow its customer base, expand its market share and be an overall success within its industry. Naturally, this was no different for MeloTel, during its early days. So, it goes without saying that we are thrilled to be constantly...
What Makes Customers Happy?
It's an easy enough question to ask. But surprisingly, it's not as easy as you may think to answer. When asking people what makes them happy as customers, we have often noticed that it takes them a few moments to think about their answers. And the answers, we find, range...
Cooking Up New Ideas To Broadcast Your Business
Last week, we blogged about our ability to take our customers “into the future”. Our tech-savvy ways have helped many a tech-challenged client to find new and inventive ways to utilize the internet to better their businesses. As many of MeloTel's clients have come to find out, having a strong...
MeloTel Has Updated Terms & Conditions of Service
Please be advised that we (MeloTel) have updated our Terms & Conditions of Service effective February 19th, 2013. Please review the new terms here.
MeloTel Has Your 416 Phone Number
Man, is Toronto ever a big city! Just in case you didn't know, this awesome city, that is home to MeloTel headquarters, is the fifth most populous area in North America. Just behind Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles and Chicago in the population department, Toronto continues to grow larger...
MeloTel Provides A World Of Opportunities
In our last blog, MeloTel affirmed that we are all about taking our clients into the future. The crazy thing is that the future is already here (so to speak), so taking you there is easy! What we mean is that in today's business world, having a good handle on...
MeloTel Takes You Into The Future
It's fair to say we live in a tech-savvy world. We know this because most people carry around little wealths of information in their pockets. A smartphone has become today's go-to destination to retrieve just about any piece of information that they need. No more than a decade ago, such...
MeloTel Weathers The Storm
Last Friday, the city of Toronto (home to MeloTel headquarters) endured the worse snow storm of the winter, thus far. The snow came down continuously all day long. And this put quite the damper on the travel plans for many of the city's citizens. Many schools closed their doors for...
Making Customers Happy Is Priority #1
In our last blog, we discussed the advent of our new VoipPanel3 technology and the fact that the many changes that will soon be introduced are sure to wow our customers. We also mentioned how much pride we take in the fact that are able to make our customers happy....
MeloTel Brings You To The Next Generation
“We're taking it to the next level!” That should pretty much be a MeloTel slogan. Not sure why we haven't yet plastered the motto on a t-shirt to start giving them out by the bundle. Perhaps, it's because doing so would take time away from doing what we do best....