Break Through To Your Fans On Facebook
This week, we decided to dedicate our blogs to the concept of Facebook advertising. More specifically, we have shared our thoughts on how you can be more engaging with your customers through the worldwide social networking phenomenon. It is working for MeloTel, so we know that it can work for you too! The key is to spark interest and generate conversation – not just to advertise.
This is the clear message communicated by On the website, a list of tips is presented for entrepreneurs who are looking to utilize Facebook to advertise their companies. Naturally, we here at MeloTel, have taken to this list to discover if we can also use it to our advantage. Thankfully, it seems as if we are already following many of these tips! Are you?
Use Facebook Demographics to Promote Your Brand. “Keeping the same message for everyone won’t work for you,” insists, “so make use Facebook Demographics in identifying your target audience and change your message accordingly depending on the area.” Be mindful of who you are communicating with so that the messages all make sense. This includes knowing where the members of your target market are located.
Have a Strong Content in Place. Be sure to have content on your Facebook page that your fans won’t be able to find anywhere else. The MeloTel Facebook page, for example, is the only place online where you will be able to locate photos taken by members of our staff. These photos often are not even directly related to our business, but simply reflect the “human” side of our company – as mentioned in our last blog.
These photos included a cool new phone app we learned about, a local charity car wash and even steaks on a grill during a long weekend barbeque! also advises that you share links, videos and photos that provide your audience with a bit of a “behind the scenes” views. This will increase the “virality” of your page which helps to increase your sales down the road.
Be Consistent and Appreciate your Fans. This may be the most important tip. To truly be engaging, you will need to acknowledge those who acknowledge you. You don’t necessarily have to post every day, but you do want to make sure that what you post is interesting. Make your audience eager to read the next thing you have to say.
And again, make the effort to thank your fans, reply to their comments and prompt them to share your news with others. This will increase fan loyalty and generate further interest in your brand. Engage your customers, don’t just advertise to them – and this just may help you to make Facebook your best advertising tool yet!