Blogging Is Basically The Best
Last week, the MeloTel Blog focused on the importance of satisfying customers. After all, what good is a business that only has unhappy customers? At MeloTel, we make it a top priority to make sure our customers are always happy. Of course, you’ve always got to come up with ways to attract those customers first.
This is one of the reasons that we are so excited about the MeloTel Blog. Regular blogging has been an excellent way for us to drive more traffic to our company website. Continually keeping our website fresh, each new blog provides a number of new ways for our site to get picked up in search engines.
On, Nitin Aggarwal writes about his passion for blogging. The founder of Offshore Ally, Aggarwal writes that surveys have actually shown that people tend to trust companies more when they tend to engage in regular blogging. Naturally, one of the benefits of blogging is that it provides constant communication between a company and its customers.
Aggarwal notes that this type of one-one-one communication helps to encourage customers to ask questions, sometimes in the form of comments if the blog allows for them. Blogging creates an improvement of your readers’ understanding of your business, helping to make your company that much more “friendly” in the eyes of the public.
Blogging also helps to build your brand, Aggarwal writes, serving as a kind of time capsule that archives your company’s growth throughout the years. We admit, we didn’t originally look at it this way. But in the months that the MeloTel Blog has existed, we already are proud of how much it has progressed.
Aggarwal writes that a blog “works like your escalator, you can look up with joy as your brand climbs to the target with gradual posts getting popular day by day.” Of course, with blogging working towards growing the popularity of your business, it allows for a fun way to gauge just how exponentially your company is growing.
Keeping a regularly updated blog also helps to improve public relations. Writes Aggarwal: “You cannot go door to door and campaign about your brand as effectively as the blog allows you to do. Building relations with the general public, mainly your customer is the key to a thriving business.”
At MeloTel, we proudly offer the services of a very talented blog writing team. Be sure to check out our “Bloggers For Hire” section to peruse through our roster of writers. We are sure you’ll find that a regularly updated blog on your website will greatly improve the number of hits your website gets, and inevitably increase the number of customers you can claim.