Speak Up To Secure Success

One of the coolest things about representing the MeloTel brand is that we have the opportunity to work with small business owners on a regular basis. Being a small business ourselves, we are well aware of what it is like to be driven by that independent, entrepreneurial spirit. This, however,...

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The Beauty Of Blogging

The MeloTel Blog has been going strong for about a year now and we have to say, that the year has passed by pretty quickly. With countless blog entries under out belt, we are very proud to say that we have one of the most thorough and innovative blogs on...

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Learning The Notion Of Cross-Promotion

Most business owners are constantly thinking of ways to promote their businesses without overspending. And while there's many ways to do this, one of the best methods of cost-effective advertising is cross-promotion. Essentially, this strategy costs a business owner nothing save for a little bit of effort in helping out...

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Observing Office Organizational Styles

At MeloTel, we pride ourselves on being able to assist other companies with their abilities to organize their respective offices. And we do so in many ways. Our VoIP telephone services, for example, have turned standard offices into fully functional command centres that help businesses to run like well-oiled machines. However,...

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Marching Towards A Name Change

It's March. And for some business owners, nothing has changed but the name of the month. For others, the new month means the beginning of a new season, as winter finally draws to a close. Preparation for the months ahead must be made as the needs of most customers will...

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Celebrating Leap Day

Poor old February 29th. We only see it once every four years and yet, no one really seems to celebrate it. Most special occasions occur on a yearly basis – Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas – they all have a special place on our calendars. But not February 29th. Even though...

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Make Your Monday Merry

Let's be honest. Mondays can be tough. For many of us, getting up for work this morning was something we wish we didn't have to do. Good thing your MeloTel Blog was updated bright and early today, to help you through the most dreaded of all days. Mondays don't have...

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Fuelling A Functioning Family Business

Happy Family Day Canada! Our MeloTel offices will be observing the holiday today, but will be back in business bright and early tomorrow morning. But that doesn’t mean that the MeloTel Blog is going to take a day off! In fact, we’d like to celebrate Family Day by discussing ways...

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