Add Value To Your Relationships
Relationships aren’t easy. We’ve all been in them. And we’re not just talking about matters of the heart, either. Whether it’s family members, friends, co-workers or business associates, your relationships take work to make successful. A lot of effort must be made to show the people in your relationships that you care. If not, you may lose them.
Think of your MeloTel Blog as your alternative “Dear Abby” advice column. And while we may not know exactly how to help you to get out of trouble for forgetting your girlfriend’s birthday, we do enjoy doling out our share of helpful business tips! We actually quite enjoy it because, by taking our own advice, we continually find new levels of success ourselves.
Take this tidbit of advice, for example: keep offering your customers something new. By continuing our mission to offer new exciting products and services to our clients – especially over the past several weeks – MeloTel has proudly created numerous new relationships that we look forward to strengthening over time.
And how do we plan to do that? By continuing to offer our new clients something new as well. Perhaps, you’re wondering how we can keep coming up with new and inventive ways to keep our customers excited. It’s simple. It’s all about providing added value to the relationships that already exist.
The Reseller Network helps us to explain. On their website, they write that “the cost of marketing to generate new customers is significantly higher than communicating with to your existing customers. Marketing to existing customers is not only cheaper it’s also generates higher conversion rates.”
So with that, we realize that to garner greater success, we need to make the most of the clients that we already have. Maximizing revenue, to us, means ensuring that our current customers are never forgotten. Keeping them happy is essentially job number one. And offering them something new is a big part of that.
As The Reseller Network explains, offering your customers new products and upgrades is the easiest way to generate more sales. Putting them first helps to shed a positive light on your customer service regimen. Remember those who first showed you support and chances are that they will continue to support you.
Says the website: “If you don’t offer your customers new products, services or upgrades they may take their business to your competitors who do. Ultimately not only could you miss opportunities to earn some additional revenue but you may lose customers.” We will elaborate on this concept some more in our next blog.