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A Continued Look At Getting The Most Out Of Your Social Media Posts

It’s pretty hard to argue that social media has taken over as society’s top source of news and entertainment. That’s why the many platforms out there are used on a daily basis by businesses. Social media is a vital tool for business promotion. However, in a blog from last week, we offered some important do’s and don’ts of social media posting. They included keeping content consistent and on-brand, avoiding overly promotional posts and keeping posts short and sweet.

In today’s blog, we’ll continue our look at getting the most out of your social media posts.

Use your hashtags wisely.

The “#” symbol once represented the “number sign” or “pound sign” on a telephone. To be honest, it still does. However, in 2025, there’s no question that most people (especially young ones) refer to the “#” symbol as a hashtag. What exactly does a hashtag do, you ask?

Usually occurring at the ends of social media posts, (but they can appear anywhere), hashtags are used to increase engagement and reach. By clicking on hashtags, social media users can discover more content they care about. Essentially, they guide brands to target audiences that are interested in their niche. 

Hashtags act as tags that categorize content. Especially popular on platforms like Instagram and Twitter (X), they increase brand visibility by allowing users to find exactly what they’re looking for. Hashtags are recommended in social media posts because they spark conversations around relevant topics. It’s a good idea to utilize a mix of popular hashtags that are relevant to both your post and your brand, in general.

Respond to your haters.

Unfortunately, social media has also become well known for its “trolls”. Considered a slang term, a “troll” is someone who posts deliberately offensive messages online. They love to enter comment sections, chat rooms and other forums to stir the pot and cause controversy. Your social media accounts aren’t immune to being trolled. Remember, however, that criticism is a regular part of being on social media. Depending how crass they are, critiques should be welcomed.

How you respond to negative comments can significantly impact your brand’s reputation. Ignoring or deleting negative feedback can create a sense of distrust. Instead, address concerns professionally and with empathy. Offer to take conversations offline, if necessary. Negative comments should be seen as opportunities to work towards resolutions. It helps for your brand to be recognized publicly as a customer-centric entity.

Avoid politics.

We certainly don’t need to inform you about the immense tensions that exist within the political world. Some businesses like to broadcast their allegiances to certain parties or party leaders. This, however, often ostracizes large sections of our population.

It’s true that social media can be a platform for discussing important issues. However, you should be cautious about delving into politics or controversial topics. If your brand does take a political stance, be prepared for both support, but a lot of heavy criticism as well.

Could you use some assistance with your social media posts?

Melo Technology’s innovative Melo Social platform lets you can manage all of your social media feeds in one easy-to-use location. If you don’t like creating social media posts yourself, our content writing team can create all of your posts for you. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page!