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Why Today’s Consumers Still Prefer To Get Phone-Based Customer Service

“I need to get someone on the phone right away.” This statement is uttered by many a consumer on a regular basis. That’s because no matter how far advanced technology has come, it’s still best to have a live person handle your customer service requirements. Sure, we can email, text and direct message on social media. But, honestly, other than a face-to-face encounter, is there anything better than the telephone to communicate with a customer service agent?

The ability to make personal connections and the receiving of instant feedback make it so that today’s consumers still prefer to get phone-based customer service.

Instant solutions equal real help.

Let’s be honest. No one likes waiting. This is especially true when you have a pressing matter that needs to be addressed. When you want a problem to be resolved quickly, sending an email is just not going to be efficient. People want immediate solutions. When you jump on the phone with a customer service representative, you begin a real-time conversation. This allows for immediate answers to your questions.

In addition to getting quick clarifications about certain matters, phone calls enable faster troubleshooting. If you want a tech problem fixed right away, there’s nothing like a live voice to give you the tips and tricks necessary. Keep in mind that most customers have senses of urgency when issues arise. Thanks to the trusty old telephone, problems can be remedied with the quickness!

The personal touch fosters true human connections.

We all take kindly to friendly voices, don’t we? When you receive customer service over the phone, you don’t just get problems fixed. You also get enjoyable experiences. The best customer service reps know how to demonstrate kindness and empathy. They can joke around a little bit to ease tension and secure the trust of their callers. In many cases, a calming tone of voice can be the catalyst to a corrected mistake.

A kind and warm tone is a great way for a phone agent to offer a customer reassurance. It sets the table for a problem and its solution to be properly explained. For many consumers, there’s no way to feel a personal touch from an email or letter. Talking to a live person, on the other hand, presents the opportunity to get emotional support while an issue is fixed.

It avoids the hassles of technology.

We’re not all tech savvy. Especially for many older adults, using today’s gadgets creates more problems than they do solutions. Getting on the phone, however, is a more natural activity that is far less intimidating than firing up an app on a tablet. For many consumers, eliminating the frustration that comes with using modern technology is why telephones are number one. No screen freezing or other glitches are bound to interrupt their live conversations.

Does your business offer top-notch customer service over the phone?

With Melo Technology’s VoIP-based Commercial Phone Services, you and your staff will be equipped with all of the features necessary to be top-tier customer service providers! To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page.