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The Beauty Of Blogging To Build A Buzz For Your Business

Today, we present a little something from the world of practicing what we preach. Since the inception of Melo Technology more than 15 years ago, our company has firmly believed in the practice of blogging. Unlike traditional modes of advertising, our regular website updates speak directly to our target audience about topics relevant to our industry. Our blogs help to boost our website’s search engine rankings while providing reliable information to our readers.

Let’s dive further into how blogging can build a buzz for your business.

It spikes visits to your company website.

As we just noted, blogging is a top SEO-builder. Whenever you add high-quality engaging content to your site, you provide search engines like Google with fresh new material to index. What does that mean? Well, let’s suppose someone goes to Google and types in some keywords and phrases that have found their way into your blogs. The chances of your website appearing in that user’s search findings are much higher.

When composing your blogs, it’s wise to optimize keywords and place internal links in each post. For example, we often blog about the importance of business telephones and highlight Melo Technology’s cloud-hosted Commercial Phone Services in the process. Doing so grows our company’s visibility and drives more organic traffic to our website. The ultimate result is the growth of our customer base.

It provides excellent social media material.

It should go without saying that being active on social media is necessary in today’s world. Your business stands to get lost in the proverbial sauce when it neglects updating its accounts. Blog posts make for excellent social media posts. By sharing links to your blogs on your social media accounts, you help to both drive traffic to your site and offer valuable content that is worth sharing.

The more intriguing your blogs, the more opportunities you have for people to share links to them. Engaging blog posts can spark discussions, not just about the content you’ve covered but about your business itself.

It establishes you as an industry authority.

In case we haven’t already made it pretty apparent, we know a thing or two about blogging. However, our blogs also demonstrate that the Melo Technology team is both proficient in the telecom industry and adamant about providing top-tier customer service. Such facets of our brand make up much of the content you’ll find in our blog section. It helps for our site’s visitors to gain greater respect for our abilities to help them with their business needs.

Furthermore, the valuable insights, tips and advice we provide in our blogs help for our audience to trust us as experts in our field. Considered a reliable source of information, the Melo Technology Blog has worked wonders in making our brand recognized as trustworthy. Make no mistake about it. We can do the very same for you! Our team of Bloggers For Hire has many years of experience making various company websites shine with engaging content.

Our copy is readable, engaging and optimized to get you more hits in search engines. For more information, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page!