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Benefits Of DaFeeder Explained

Do you own or operate a call centre business? If so, DaFeeder Telemarketing is a practical must-have for you! By utilizing this fascinating service, you will greatly improve both employee morale and productivity in your centre. So what is DaFeeder exactly? It is a web-based telemarketing software that allows you to create calling campaigns that specifically cater to your target audiences.

Perhaps, the simplest way to describe DaFeeder is to refer to it as an automatic dialler. But that wouldn’t be doing it justice. It is true, of course, that DaFeeder enables your call centre reps to call your leads with the simple click of an on-screen button. Eliminating manual dialling saves a ton of time and helps your team to be more productive. But, as mentioned, DaFeeder provides so many more benefits than one-click dialling.

It boosts agent efficiency.

Because DaFeeder saves your call centre reps so much dialling time, it enables them to make more calls during any given shift. With quicker access to your leads, your phone agents will be given greater opportunities to convert them into buying customers. The service enables your team to spend more time having conversations with potential clients. This, of course, helps to foster a boost in sales.

It increases sales.

Let’s talk about those sales for a moment, shall we? No matter your line of business, an increase in sales is surely a welcome concept. DaFeeder doesn’t just save time – it saves information. It functions as an online filing cabinet, enabling your phone agents to take notes and record pertinent pieces of information. This data can be used on future calls so that your team is able to build better rapports with the leads they call. Of course, this helps to generate more conversions.

It allows you to use your own campaigns.

DaFeeder lets you create your own calling campaigns. They can be made to specifically cater to your target audiences. Simply upload your leads into different campaigns of your choosing. For example, you can create calling campaigns based on the different time zones in Canada and the United States. If you operate your business on the east coast, you can schedule calling campaigns that contact west coast-based businesses later in the afternoon. Pacific Time, as you know, is three hours behind Eastern Time.

It allows agents to operate remotely from anywhere in the world.

Arguably, the greatest aspect of DaFeeder is that it utilizes cloud-hosted technology. That means that any member of your staff can use it as long as he/she is connected to the internet. Of course, that means that your team members can work remotely and still do the same jobs they would perform in your physical call centre location. It makes hiring new talent a breeze, since geography no longer matters in the area of talent pool searches.

It is highly secured and guards privacy.

Like your email account, social media pages and website, DaFeeder insists upon a private password entry process. That means that its use for your business is secured. Each member of your team will be required to enter his/her own private password information in order to gain access to your specific calling campaigns.

All in all, DaFeeder Telemarketing reduces, time, effort and costs for your call centre business. For more information about how it can take your call centre to the next level, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email