9/11 Ten Years Later
Ten years ago yesterday, one of the biggest tragedies in North America took place with the now infamous attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. Today, everyone is well aware of the events that occurred exactly a decade ago, as the term the date “9/11” will forever be etched in our minds as one that represents the horrific terrorist attacks.
Throughout the United States and Canada, memorial services were held yesterday. At Ground Zero in New York, which has now become a memorial to the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, United States President Barack Obama spoke to onlookers who were there to pay their respects. And even in Toronto at Millennium Garden, a tribute to the 24 Canadians who died in the tragedy was held.
Although ten years have already passed, these tributes made clear that no amount of time will be able to fully heal the wounds that were opened up a decade ago. The hideous attacks left permanent scars on the minds and hearts of people all over the world. However, many spoke about the courage and heroism that was put on display that fateful day.
Said President Obama, according to a Reuters report: “”These past 10 years have shown that America does not give in to fear. The rescue workers who rushed to the scene, the firefighters who charged up the stairs, the passengers who stormed the cockpit — these patriots defined the very nature of courage.”
The 9/11 tributes were a-plenty yesterday, and not just in the United States. Teams from the National Football League and Major League Baseball wore special apparel in their games yesterday to tribute those whose lives were taken. While the NFL had many of their players adorned in red, white and blue equipment, the MLB teams each added commemorative patches to their uniforms.
At the Toronto Blue Jays game at Rogers Centre, the home team wore both American and Canadian flags on their caps and jerseys. Jays pitcher Ricky Romero also placed a baseball on the mound before the game, instead of throwing out the traditional first pitch to kick off the game. This act was seen as a solemn gesture of respect for those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.
We, here at MeloTel, would like to wish our sincere condolences to all those who lost loved ones ten years ago yesterday. Even though a decade has past, we know that the pain has not yet disappeared. It is unlikely that it ever will. But as many tributes exclaimed yesterday, the future is one of hope and prosperity, in memory of those who are no longer here.