Industry News, MeloTel Features, Social Media

8 Great Ways Small Business Owners Can Grow Their Social Media Followings

Small business owners have a unique challenge when it comes to growing their social media followings. They don’t have the same resources as larger companies, but they still need to make a big impact on a small budget. However, with the right strategy, it is possible for small business owners to build a strong and engaged social media following.

Here are eight great ways small business owners can grow their social media followings:

1. Create valuable content.

What matters most to your target audience? Do you have some intriguing tidbits to share? Are you full of knowledge that your customer base would be interested in picking your brain for? Share all of that greatness on social media via everything from informative blog posts to entertaining videos.

2. Use hashtags.

Hashtags are great ways to help your content reach a larger audience. They allow users to find content that is relevant to their interests. As well, they help for your content to show up in search results. Be sure to use relevant hashtags that will attract your target audience.

3. Engage with your audience.

One of the best ways to build a strong social media following is to engage with your audience. This means responding to comments and messages. It also means reaching out to other users in your niche. By engaging with your audience, you can build strong relationships with them, which will make them more likely to continue following you.

4. Run contests and giveaways.

At MeloTel, we’ve had a lot of fun running contests! Contests and giveaways are great ways to encourage users to follow your social media accounts. They can also help you to build a strong and engaged following by encouraging users to share your content and invite their friends to participate.

5. Collaborate with other small businesses.

Collaborating with other small businesses in your niche can be a great way to build a strong social media following. This can be done by sharing each other’s content, running joint promotions and even cross-promoting each other’s products or services.

6. Optimize your profile.

Optimizing your social media profiles can make a big difference in how many people follow you. This includes adding a profile picture, a bio and contact information. Also make sure to include links to your website and other social media accounts.

7. Be consistent.

Consistency is key when it comes to building a social media following. It’s important to post regularly and consistently so that your followers can expect new content from you. This will help you to build a loyal following over time.

8. Sign up for MeloSocial.

MeloSocial is an incredible service that enables you to quickly and efficiently share intriguing posts to all of your social media profiles at once. It’s as simple as composing ONE unique post and clicking on “Publish Now”. But with MeloSocial, you don’t actually have to do any posting at all! MeloTel’s team of content writers would be happy to do all the work for you. We can have all of your social media accounts updated on a regular basis with unique content.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-888-MELOTEL or email