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4 Top Telemarketing Tips That Help To Generate Sales

Telemarketers do not have easy jobs. For many of them, speaking on the phone to hundreds of people per day is a regular part of their lives. It can be exhausting. This is especially true for phone reps that are required to make sales on each of their calls. Quite simply, there are many different skills that a strong telemarketer needs in order to be a successful salesperson. What are they?

Here are four top telemarketing tips that help to generate sales:

1. Research your leads.

Do you know who you’re calling? Or are you simply dialing up a complete stranger? It’s wise to do some research on your leads before putting in your phone calls. Is there any information about your customers that can help you during your interactions with them? It’s wise to learn about the needs, preferences and pain points of your leads. That way, you’ll be able to tailor your pitches accordingly.

A well-crafted pitch is essential for grabbing and maintaining a lead’s attention. But, firstly, remember to be personable. If your pitch sounds like you’ve been repeating the same thing all day, it won’t resonate with your customers. Secondly, be sure to have a compelling introduction. Your leads will want to know who they’re speaking with and why you’re calling. Finally, keep your pitch concise. Avoid jargon that might confuse your prospects.

2. Practice active listening.

We know that it’s a telemarketer’s duty to talk. However, we’d argue that active listening is an even more important part of the job. Don’t underestimate the power of a strong listening ear. When you have truly heard what your customers are concerned about, it helps you to understand and respond appropriately. Most people don’t like having to repeat themselves. It indicates that they are not being paid attention to.

Remember to ask open-ended questions. This will encourage your leads to share more about their needs and concerns. By gaining valuable information, you will be able to tend to the specific requests of each customer. Perhaps, more importantly, your listening ear will make your leads feel heard and valued. Not to mention, by demonstrating empathy and interest, you can build stronger connections that will increase the likelihood of conversions.

3. Overcome objections.

If you work in a call centre, you’ve undoubtedly endured your fair share of objections. They are inevitable. Don’t let them derail your efforts. Get used to ways to overcome them with class and dignity. Prepare yourself for the most common objections. A very simple “I’m not interested” is easily the most popular one.

When a lead objects, be sure to acknowledge his or her concern. Provide relevant information or solutions that adequately address it. It’s also vital that you maintain a calm and positive demeanour while handling objections. This can reassure your leads and keep your conversations going. Remember that you can always turn objections into opportunities!

4. Utilize DaFeeder.

Melo Technology’s DaFeeder Telemarketing is a web-based telemarketing software. It allows you to create calling campaigns that specifically cater to your call centre’s target audiences. As well, DaFeeder enables your call centre reps to call your leads with the simple click of an on-screen button. For more information, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL or fill out the form on our Contact page!