4 Phone Practices That Boost Holiday Business
Yes, we live in an online-crazed world. And with technologies continuing to improve at such a rapid pace, it only makes sense that the worldwide web would take off as a go-to location to promote businesses. This, of course, was evidenced by Cyber Monday – an annual event that has quickly become one of the biggest shopping days of the year. How did you take advantage of this past Cyber Monday?
Did you get in on the savings by making your purchases online? Or did you do one better by having your customers make their purchases from your website? At MeloTel, we’ll always encourage you to have a strong online presence. After all, we do have a fantastic Web Design Services team that can create your perfect company website. However, there are other ways to boost your brand.
As you may know, VoIP Telephone Services represent our company’s first foray into the telecom world. And we’re still very much of the mind that the good old telephone is a perfect marketing tool. There’s no reason to not use your telephone to boost your sales this holiday season. You may be all caught up in the ways in which the internet seems to be taking over. But let’s review some ways your phone can come in handy.
Put In A Christmas Call. There’s nothing quite like letting someone hear your live voice to prove that you care. Emails and text messages may come off as impersonal during the holiday season. You wouldn’t communicate with your closest friends that way when wishing them “Merry Christmases” would you? Call up your favourite clients and spend a few minutes letting them know how much they matter to you.
Holiday Hold Music. When your customers call you up, you may want to give them a little something different to listen to than the same old, same old hold music. As a suggestion, Uncle John’s Holiday Hits 2013 may make the perfect holiday hold music for your company. Better yet, you may want to call us up so that we can get our Voice Talent Production team to come up with a jingle specifically for your brand!
Address Callers By Name. It may seem like a “nothing” type of tip, but you may be surprised to know how much it means to people to be called by their names instead of “sir” or “madam”. Your caller ID should be able to give you a hint as to who is calling. MeloTel’s DaFeeder Preview Dialer also allows your staff to receive pertinent information about the clients they call before dialing. Use it wisely.
Holiday-Themed Greetings. Perhaps, you can exchange your traditional “hello” with a “Happy Holidays” when you pick up your phone. Sometimes, that first impression you make can mean the difference between you getting someone’s business or not. The holiday season can bring out the best – and sometimes the worst – in people. Spread the holiday cheer when on the phone and see if it doesn’t boost your company’s reputation.
We practice what we preach. As much as we can describe our services in our blogs, the best way to have us provide you with greater details is on the phone. For more information on any of the services mentioned in today’s blog, please give us a call at 1-888-MELOTEL. We don’t just stand behind the tips we provide but we stand firmly behind the products and services that we offer as well.